Bahrain Minister of Education at inauguration of the new Braillo Braille production center
Bahrain Minister of Education at inauguration of the new Braillo Braille Production Center
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The Braillo 650 SF depicted in this image is a True Production Braille printer capable of printing Braille books and Magazines 24 hours a day with a single roll of Braille paper. The high uptime means fewer resources are needed to manage the printing process reducing overall printing costs. The Bahrain printer will be producing upwards of 1 million Braille documents per year using their new Braillo 650SF.
Description of the institution people or business that is using the machine and how. Describe what is going on in this image.

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Braillo Training Events
Braillo holds training events to ensure that our customers are better equipped to maintain and service their Braille embossers. These events provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about your Braillo embossers, how they operate, how to properly maintain them and how to troubleshoot should an issue arise.
Braillo holds a number of training events throughout the year in both Norway and The USA. Click here to register for a Braillo training event, or to see upcoming events.